It may seem a trifle early for a festive feature but I was keen to give participants as much time as possible to submit their entries and I also wanted to give our generous prize sponsors as much exposure as I could without going completely wild!
For this year’s Christmas Quiz I have selected interesting positions from 10 games played by Hebden Bridge Chess Club members during the course of 2011. All you have to do is figure out what the next move should be and provide any key variations that are required to justify the answer.
I will be drawing a winner from all the correct answers that I receive and that lucky person will receive a beautiful new wooden chess set (the one in the picture) courtesy of our Christmas Quiz sponsors This mahogany set is high quality and retails at just under £80 – so it is well worth having! The company has a broad range of sets, clocks and computers so if you are still short of a Christmas present for a chess playing friend you could do much worse than to pay them a visit.
Now, here is the collection for you to puzzle over. The positions range from very easy to quite challenging but I reckon any club player should be able to solve most of them if they are prepared to put the time into studying them carefully. To stop the slide show simply select the game you want to look at from the drop down list below.
The viewer above is a little small for careful study so I’ve also enabled you to view the positions in pop up windows. The first 5 are here and numbers 6-10 can be viewed here. For reasons that are too dull to explain I’ve had to split them into two chunks.
Finally, for those who have Microsoft Silverlight (for those who don’t I recommend you download it – it’s free and if you follow the link you’ll be prompted to download it) you can follow this link to the Chessbase Viewer which will let you download the positions so you can set them up at home and work out the variations.
Happy solving!
Looks good, i went ahead and bookmarked you on under “Christmas Quiz 2011 » Hebden Bridge Chess Club”. So hopefully our friends can give you a visit. Keep up the good stuff.